As I have lived in the same place as Thin Ice Studios, I have been lucky enough to have got to play on various different projects over the years - including: - NO (some guitar on a track by Clive Nolan and Martin Orford)
- "The Jabberwocky" and "The Hound Of The Baskervilles" albums by Oliver Wakeman and Clive Nolan
- "Marked for Madness" by Michelle Young
- and "Rock of Faith" by John Wetton
- I have also played in a band called Mercy Train with Karl Groom, Richard West, Nick Harradence and Richard Burge. We made a CD called "Presence" on SI Music (now deleted)
- finally, I have also, purely for fun, played in a covers band called Line of Fire - playing a selection of pop and rock covers in small pubs and clubs – the kind of venues which Pendragon no longer get to play!